Rescheduled from Jan 19!
UPenn's 2024 Symposium Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What The World Needs
Performance Art for Social Change
Featuring TheUnity: We are One Always, Brother Robb Carter - Kathryn "Kitsi" Watterson - Dominic Cartwright
TheUnity honors the human spirit with improvisational, meditative, soulful and jazzy "Music in the Moment of Creation"
Please join us after the show for a light dinner!
Admission is FREE and open to the public
Performance Art for Social Change
Featuring TheUnity: We are One Always, Brother Robb Carter - Kathryn "Kitsi" Watterson - Dominic Cartwright
TheUnity honors the human spirit with improvisational, meditative, soulful and jazzy "Music in the Moment of Creation"
Please join us after the show for a light dinner!
Admission is FREE and open to the public
This event will be in-person at The Rotunda and we encourage you to come but if you can't, you can still see the event HERE: http://tinyurl.com/TheUnityJune14
Rescheduled from Jan 19!