Facilitated by Tim White
Topics to be covered include:
- The Anatomy of the Tax Return and the basics of 1099s
- COVID changes
- Ins and outs of Grants (which ones are taxable, and how to report them) and Expenses (what to write off and tips on tracking)
Registration is required. The Zoom event link will be sent to all registered guests shortly before the event. Register HERE
Vision Driven Consulting (VDC) supports the visionary work of artists, community groups, and not-for-profit organizations by providing consulting, facilitation, and training services.
Monday, February 8 - Taxes for Artists
Facilitated by Tim White
Monday, March 8 - Intro to Arts Grants
Facilitated by Tezarah Wilkins
Monday, April 12 - Finances for Artists
Facilitated by River Nice of Be Intentional Financial
Monday, May 10 - Social Media & Marketing
Facilitated by Brittnie Knight
Monday, June 14 - Website Basics for Artists
Facilitated by Marria Nakhoda