Based off of his most loved literary work "Why Must They Die!" A performance piece where Thierry Lundy tells why/and how he prepares to rage war against pests called ROACHES.
In this literary work, Thierry depicts the roaches as the BAD GUYS who reign havoc on his life.
It's time that we hear what the roach has to say. Roscoe is angry and is itching to tell his side of the story. Maybe the Roach wasn't the BAD GUY afterall??? YOU BE THE JUDGE! WILL YOU SYMPATHIZE WITH THE ROACH AFTER IT'S ALL OVER?
Don't only prepare to laugh, but be prepared for a powerful message of "Fighting for what you believe in!"
Admission is $12, which includes a FREE DVD of Thierry's previous one man show at The Rotunda. Group rates available. Buy advance tickets HERE