Philadelphia Theatre of the Oppressed
Unpacking Race - 5-Part Workshop Series
Tuesdays in March 2016 • 6:30-9:00
Email "tophilly@gmail.com" to be put on the wait list.
In March of 2016, we bring back our popular series on race and racism. Every Tuesday we'll explore this topic through a variety of exercises, Theatre of the Oppressed techniques, and discussions, supplemented by things to read and do between sessions. Our aim is to unlearn the systemic racism we’ve been taught throughout our lives, to heal from racial privilege and oppression, and to offer starting points for structural and personal change in ourselves, our communities, and our world.
2016's Unpacking Race series will be led by a team of four facilitators (read about them at www.tophiladelphia.blogspot.com). Because space is limited and each week's ideas build toward the next, we ask that participants commit to coming to all five sessions. Tuition is sliding scale: $45-$145, payable at the first session.
This workshop is FULL. Get on the waiting list by emailing "tophilly@gmail.com" or leave a message at 267-282-1057.
Theatre of the Oppressed combines experiences, images, sounds, movements and dialogue into ideas and actions for making social change.