Monday, May 1 at 6PM
The Rotunda
Register now!
From March 24 – June 6, The Velocity Fund is accepting applications — we invite artists living in the city of Philadelphia to apply with their new project ideas. Come to an Info Session at one of their partnering sites this spring, to learn more about how you can apply: bit.ly/velocityinfosessions2023
The Velocity Fund directly supports Philadelphia-based artists with project grants up to $5000. Open to a wide range of experimental practices, particularly those that emphasize collaboration among artistic genres. Over the past five granting cycles, The Velocity Fund has supported sixty-four dynamic projects around the city — with a wide range of public outcomes, from video synthesis workshops to horror podcasts highlighting BIPOC authors, interactive memoir performances to traveling cabarets, digital community archives to speculative time portals, environmental sculpture to collaborative films reimagining re-entry.
The Velocity Fund is administered by Philadelphia Contemporary, with support from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts’ Regional Regranting Program. The program was established in 2007 to recognize and support the movement of independently organized, public-facing, artist-centered activity that animates local and regional art scenes but that lies beyond the reach of traditional funding sources.
→ Apply now: velocityfund.org/apply
→ Learn more at an Info Session this spring: bit.ly/velocityinfosessions2023
→ Reach out with questions: velocity@philadelphiacontemporary.org
→ Keep up with announcements: @thevelocityfund
Against a bright green background, a graphic of a sunny yellow page with top quarter folded down, to reveal white. The Velocity Fund logo, in black, appears at the top left corner, with other logos in the bottom right. Two thin black lines run vertically over and under the yellow page graphic. Text reads: “APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN! Apply by June 6” followed by the website link: “velocityfund.org/apply”