The date for this virtual event has changed to Sunday January 15.
Watch the livestream at https://youtu.be/fzX6CCu42sw
"We are not from here.
PLIB is a Philly-based touring band that fuses together neo psych rock, old-school metal, folk punk, and prog rock to form the first Jam Band from Hell.
Hailing from PLIBtonia, The PLIBs currently reside in Philadelphia, and are recognized as the city's premier PLIBeration ensemble.
For many decades, Papa PLIB infiltrated Philly's open-mic circuit disguised as a human named Bunny Savage. But in recent years, the Sacred Tardigrade called upon the PLIBs to reveal themselves, join forces, and amplify microcosmic resonances so they can be heard by the people of Earth.
Papa PLIB wields a 6-string guitar and assumes the roles of jester-poet and lead vocalist; PLIBBertijibbet uses a bass guitar to conjure landscapes of vibration, and he occasionally belts some high notes over Papa's gravely vocal tone; PLIBsquid the SquidPLIB brings electricity, cohesion, and carnival vibes into the mix via his keyboard laboratory; navigating an expanding pedal station and six-string axe, PLIBadopoulos weaves tapestries of harmonic texture that serve as garments for the emerging vibrational beast; and Spacey PLIB constructs a percussive skeleton by banging wooden sticks against crudely constructed trap sets.
Together, these PLIBmental elements form the musical homunculus PLIB.
Hire us.
No gig is too big; no fee is too big."
No gig is too big; no fee is too big."
Watch the livestream FREE on Sunday January 8 at 8:30pm Eastern at https://youtu.be/fzX6CCu42sw
The date for this virtual event has changed to Sunday January 15.