The First Annual Philly Anarchist Bookfair!
Confirmed Vendors:
Under The Pavement
Educating for Action & The Terrorization of Dissent
Not Applicable Distro
A Boulder on the Tracks
NYC Anarchist Black Cross
Cal Press
Re-acción libre
patrokolos projects
Lehigh Valley IWW
AK Press
Negate City
Book & Beets
Little Black Cart
Marcellus Shale Earth First!
Anarcho-Syndicalist Review/Bindlestiff Books
Black and Green Press
Red Emma’s
A lyst Catalyst
The Wooden Shoe
The Problem with Pessimism with Don
Building Community Power in the Shalefields of Pennsylvania with Zora Gussow
Extending the Eros Effect: The Vibe and Global Insurrections with Jason Del Gandio
Capital as Fluid/Nation-State as Ice: A post-left review of where we are now and what to look for with Paul Z Simons
Anarchist Introduction to Protest Tactics with Nila
Participatory Workshop: Winning Campaigns and Defeating Our Enemies! with Zach Hershman
Anarchist Economics with Jon Bekken