For the second year in a row, The United Block Captains Association
will run their Summer Fun Program out of The Rotunda.
The program runs July 5-August 26 and happens Monday through Friday
9am until 3pm.
The ages for the program are 7-16.
Children go on field trips on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and stay at The Rotunda for arts and
culture programming on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last year, children went swimming, roller skating, bowling, and to the
movies, Dorney Park, Clementon Park, Spruce Street Harbor Park, etc. On
their days at The Rotunda, they worked with a DJ, hip hop writer,
Spanish teacher, muralist, black historian, mask maker, and two
professional chefs who made healthy meals with them.
This year, they will engage in similar activities.
The value of the program is over $1,000 per child, yet the total fee is only $150 per child, which covers administrative costs.
open house on Saturday is a chance for the Program Director Alice
Wright to meet with prospective parents and guardians, answer questions,
show photos from last year, and go over rule and regulations.
All are welcome!