Fantasy Weavers Original Opera for Children and Adults
Sephro: Earth's Revenge
The 4th installment in the Sephro Opera Cycle, Sephro: Earth's Revenge by Kate Quinn, is slated to be performed with Philly FringeArts on
Saturday, Sept. 6th at 7pm
Sunday, Sept. 7th at 3pm
and Wednesday, Sept. 10th at 8pm
Planet Sephro faces it's most threatening challenge yet—chemical warfare. The Sephron's food sustenance, Torli, is tainted to create sickness and death. Come witness, in this fourth story in the Sephro series, how the Sephrons and their Earthen friends risk their lives for the salvation of Sephro.
We at Fantasy Weavers believe that through opera, the healing power of music, and fantasy, which stirs endless possibilities, we can inspire people. We are reaching out to children and adults who have either been exposed to problems such as bullying, trauma and substance abuse, or have limited or no access to the arts. We aim to increase access to youth opera, to augment the programs at all schools in the Philadelphia area. We intend to bring opera performances to adults through presentations at community-based organizations, such as rehabilitation centers and other adult programs. People will walk away from our shows with the feeling that they have experienced something magical that is not merely entertainment. People will walk away with a message of hope and encouragement.