Poet~tree En Motion
Honoring the Ancestors: the Fall Harvest Rhythm & Flow Festivities
Featuring Live Music Meditations, Spoken Word/Poetry, Dance/Theater/ Mindful Movements & Fire/Flow Ritual Performances!
6-9pm (Doors @ 6pm)
This ongoing seasonal series features a variety of multi-disciplinary performance, arts & culture presentations… This Event includes (but is not limited to) Live Percussion & Music Journey, Spoken word & Poetry, Dance/Movement Meditations, Ritual ‘theatre’ + Fire & Flow Arts!
Plum Dragoness / aka Gabrielle de Burke
Theatrical Dancer/Lyrical Poetess/Mindful Movement Instructor/Arts Educator & Event Host
(bring your mats or kick it old school without for this Mindful Movement Class Infused with a Fusion of Yoga, Kung fu/Tai chi, Qigong… Plus a DanceTheater Ritual w/ the Spoken Word! DragonSpiritArts.com, ThePlumDragoness.com
Scott Soniq (Sonic Flower ReikiSound™ Immersion) w/ Guest Angela Armour (Healing Sound Bath Artist on Tongue Drum +)…A Collaborative Experience where the healing resonance of Crystal Singing Bowls meets the reverberation Bells, Strings, Gongs, Ambient Drums & More. EarthTribeHealingArts.com
Stoop Kid Studios
Trio of Fire artists present “the Fire that Feeds My Soul” in service of mind, body & soul with the healing power of fire & self-expression. facebook.com/StoopKidStudios
Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac
A visually captivating portrait of Aztec Dance kept alive by modern keepers of the culture investigating indigenous history and the retention of cultural heritage in the context of modern immigration. ollinyoliztlicalmecac.org
Jan Jefferies
Philly based Percussionist Extraordinaire & Drummer bringing the soul-full ancestral beatz & rhythms + Spearheads M.O.M. (Music Over Matter) facebook.com/jan.jeffries.58
*Masks Must be Worn when Inside the Venue (Check in Required for Contact Tracing)!
Artist Bios:
Stoop Kid Studios
Fire/Flow Performer & Founder of Stoop Kid Studios-Reese Crawley, will lead the trio presenting for this event, bringing passion through the talent that has been honing over years as a multi-disciplinary Artist. Behold their stunning visual display and showmanship that will leave audiences talking about for years… Stoop Kid Studios LLC is Available for Services ranging from Photography & Videography to Fire/Flow Arts Performances for Special Events & More facebook.com/StoopKidStudios
Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac
Meaning “School of Blood Moving in the Heart” in the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs, Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac is a dance and cultural troupe based in the heart of South Philadelphia. A visually captivating portrait of the group told through their own voices, Aztec Dance in Philadelphia raises
questions about indigenous history and the retention of cultural heritage in the context of modern immigration. “We consider it a school because we are learning about the culture we have lost,” says one of the group’s members. The dancers of Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac bring their audiences a pre-Columbian heritage with roots in central Mexico. Kept alive by modern keepers of the culture like those in this trilingual Spanish/English/Nahuatl documentary, Aztec dance has followed the paths of contemporary Mexican immigrants into the United States. That migration has brought Aztec culture here, to Philadelphia. Aztec Dance in Philadelphia is an engaging resource for educators teaching modern immigration and a colorful testament to the resilience of indigenous cultures. facebook.com/oycphiladelphia, ollinyoliztlicalmecac.org
Plum Dragoness (a.k.a. Gabrielle de Burke)
Native to West Philadelphia, this multi-talented thespian, dancer, martial artist, instructor, poetess and writer who has been involved with performing arts since childhood. She is known for her poetic style, vocal performance, fire dance, flow arts and choreographic flair throughout Philadelphia and abroad. Over the past 15 years, she has toured not only as a solo artist, founding member/core performer/assistant artistic director of Archedream for HumanKind among many others. She has also independently released 2 albums of original work with the project Plum Dragoness & the Elements, known for its fusion of multi-media, live world beat musical infusions, spoken word vocals & lyrical poetry. She has also helped bring together the all female performance group trio known as The Femme-Mynistiques, who will officially release their debut EP “Here She Comes…” in the summer of 2016. Since 2007, Plum has been a resident performance artist, as well as host and organizer for the successful performing arts series known as Poet-tree En Motion at The Rotunda! This has allowed her the opportunity to share her own creative performances (including collaborative projects she initiated) and work created by a plethora of other unique artists with the west Philadelphia community and beyond! Gabrielle’s work as a healing arts practitioner and instructor continues to intersect with her work as an inter-disciplinary performance artist through the incorporation of Internal and Martial Arts forms in combination with Dance, Poetry and Theater presentation. Gabrielle has been teaching in, around the Philadelphia area & abroad since 2000. Gabrielle owns/operates a Yogic & Mindful Movement studio outside of West Philadelphia called Dragon Spirit Arts where she offers classes, workshops, events, teacher training. If you dig It…
Visit: www.DragonSpiritArts.com + ThePlumDragoness.com
Follow: + facebook.com/4PlumDragoness +facebook.com/DragonSpiritArts
Listen: soundcloud.com/plum-dragoness + tunecore.com/music/plumdragoness +
Sonic Flower ReikiSound™ (a.k.a. Scott Soniq)
From Philadelphia, this certified Reiki Master and ReikiSound ™ Immersion practitioner is also a seasoned DJ and producer. Throughout the years, Scott’s experiences showed him the immense healing potentials that sound can deliver; this was coupled with 25 years of independent study and self-evolution. His amazing Journey led presently to many diverse communities in the Philadelphia area. One present aspect of Scott’s Journey is Sonic Flower: a totally immersive and Life Enhancing sound experience. Participants rest horizontally or seated comfortably while bathed in the sound-field from 7 quartz crystal singing bowls. The tones emanated are deeply resonant and are not only heard, but can be felt in one’s body; immersed in a field of deep coherence -- a structured yet always-evolving cache of information that is rich in potential and waiting to be tapped. Typical ReikiSound™ Immersions usually last for 60-75 minutes and can be merged with your Inner or Outer Work.
Private and couples sessions are offered, which are tailored to the client’s needs, or group ReikiSound™ Immersions are offered in which a field of vibration is created intuitively for the highest benefit of the whole group. Also offered are Sonic Chakra Tune-ups, which require active participation by the client. Sonic Flower is also open and available to collaborate on any appropriate workshop/event.
Sonic Flower also creates deep-listening ambient DJ sets using self-produced, as well as other producer’s musics. He also creates ecstatic-body-music-DJ-sets under the moniker Butter&Eggs. The Journey is yours to choose; and this Journey is ours. Make your cells happy in a field of vibration. facebook.com/SonicFlower, EarthTribeHealingArts.com
Admission is FREE (Donations Suggested & Appreciated)