Poet-tree En Motion: Movement, Word, Sound & Live Arts!
Poet~tree En Motion Presents…
The 2019 Spring Performance Series!
A FREE community event (Donations Accepted/Suggested)
This ongoing seasonal series features a variety of multi-disciplinary performance, arts & culture presentations...
Wednesday, June 12th, 7-9:30pm (Doors @ 6:30pm)
Moving Meditations Class & Spoken Word Ritual
+ Sonic Immersion/Sound Journey + Live Painting Artistry!
• Gabrielle de Burke a.k.a. Plum Dragoness (Dragon Spirit Arts)
Bring your mats (or kick it old school without) for this Mindful Movement Class Infused with a Fusion Yoga, Kung fu/Tai chi, Qigong & Ceremonial Rite of Movement… Followed by a Ritual Dance w/ the Spoken Word!
• Scott Soniq (Sonic Sound Immersions)+ Iron Gump & Adrianne King (Shamanic Sound Journey)…A Collaborative Experience where the healing resonance of Crystal Singing Bowls meets the reverberation of Flutes, Bells, Strings, Gongs, Drums & More…
• Steve Shorts - His artistic vision combines mixed-media muralism w/ social
sculpture into a blend of fine art, restoration construction & community service.
Find the PEM group on Facebook for info on September 2019 Event!
Artist Bios:
Native to West Philadelphia, Plum Dragomess (a.k.a. Gabrielle de Burke) is a multi-talented thespian, dancer, martial artist, instructor, poetess and writer who has been involved with performing arts since childhood. She is known for her poetic style, vocal performance, fire dance, flow arts and choreographic flair throughout Philadelphia and abroad. Over the past 15 years, she has toured not only as a solo artist, founding member/core performer/assistant artistic director of Archedream for HumanKind among many others. She has also independently released 2 albums of original work with the project Plum Dragoness & the Elements, known for its fusion of multi-media, live world beat musical infusions, spoken word vocals & lyrical poetry. She has also helped bring together the all female performance group trio known as The Femme-Mynistiques, who will officially release their debut EP “Here She Comes…” in the summer of 2016. Since 2007, Plum has been a resident performance artist, as well as host and organizer for the successful performing arts series known as Poet-tree En Motion at The Rotunda! This has allowed her the opportunity to share her own creative performances (including collaborative projects she initiated) and work created by a plethora of other unique artists with the west Philadelphia community and beyond! Gabrielle’s work as a healing arts practitioner and instructor continues to intersect with her work as an inter-disciplinary performance artist through the incorporation of Internal and Martial Arts forms in combination with Dance, Poetry and Theater presentation. Gabrielle has been teaching in, around the Philadelphia area & abroad since 2000. Gabrielle owns/operates a Yogic & Mindful Movement studio outside of West Philadelphia called Dragon Spirit Arts where she offers classes, workshops, events, teacher training. If you dig It…
Visit: www.DragonSpiritArts.com + ThePlumDragoness.com
Follow: + facebook.com/4PlumDragoness +facebook.com/DragonSpiritArts
Listen: soundcloud.com/plum-dragoness + tunecore.com/music/plumdragoness +
Sonic Flower is Scotty Sonic from Philadelphia, a certified Reiki Master and ReikiSound(TM) practitioner who is also a seasoned DJ and producer. Throughout the years, Scott’s experiences showed him the immense healing potentials that sound can deliver; this was coupled with 25 years of independent study and self-evolution. His amazing Journey led presently to many diverse communities in the Philadelphia area. One present aspect of Scott’s Journey is Sonic Flower: a totally immersive and Life Enhancing sound experience. Participants rest horizontally or seated comfortably while bathed in the sound-field from 7 quartz crystal singing bowls. The tones emanated are deeply resonant and are not only heard, but can be felt in one’s body; immersed in a field of deep coherence -- a structured yet always-evolving cache of information that is rich in potential and waiting to be tapped. Typical ReikiSound(TM) Immersions usually last for 60-75 minutes and can be merged with your Inner or Outer Work.
Private and couples sessions are offered, which are tailored to the client’s needs, or group ReikiSound(TM) Immersions are offered in which a field of vibration is created intuitively for the highest benefit of the whole group. Also offered are Sonic Chakra Tune-ups, which require active participation by the client. Sonic Flower is also open and available to collaborate on any appropriate workshop/event. Sonic Flower also creates deep-listening ambient DJ sets using self-produced, as well as other producer’s musics. He also creates ecstatic-body-music-DJ-sets under the moniker Butter&Eggs. The Journey is yours to choose; and this Journey is ours. Make your cells happy in a field of vibration. facebook.com/SonicFlower
Shamanic Sound Journey
w/ Iron Gump and Adrian King
About our Facilitators
Iron Gump is a Sound and Energy Worker. Through his understandings of energy and movement, he utilizes sound and vibration to guide people into spaces where they can freely explore relaxation. Iron Gump has shared his Sound Journeys in Manhattan and Connecticut board rooms and offices, Haitian refugee camps in Dominican Republic, private Japanese arboretum in Maui, boutique hotel on Maderas Beach, Nicaragua and many other places between for the last 7 years. Working alongside Remedy Partners Inc. and Quartet Health, he has lead and set the tone for corporate retreats, office openings, informative talks and more recently for Mental Health Week. His practice is an inclusive experience for people from all walks of life. "In a world of Make-Believe, let us believe in what we make." Adrian King is a musician, massage therapist, and yoga teacher. He is the founder of Healing Arts Collective, a neighborhood wellness center at 9th and South St. Philadelphia, through which he is actualizing his vision to serve the community by providing healing services, classes, and workshops in a quiet oasis amongst the hectic city hustle and bustle. Adrian has been exploring original and improvised music for most of his life. Inspired by moving music of all cultures and eras, he draws upon his wide array of influences when he plays, aiming to create a transcendental experience and break through the illusory boundaries of time and space. Among the wonderful happenings at Healing Arts Collective, Adrian and Iron Gump join forces every month for the Shamanic Sound Journey, where they guide listeners through a dreamlike experience, surfing on waves of musical vibrations. In the Shamanic Sound Journey, Iron Gump and Adrian King invite you to enter a relaxed space where you can meditate to transcendental soundscapes created by flutes, gongs, singing bowls, guitar, bells, rain sticks, didgeridoo and more. This is a movie for your ears that vibrates the listeners imagination and stimulates mind to let go into the sounds. IronGumpart.com, healingartscollective-pa.com
Steve Shorts is a contemporary Surrealist painter based out of Philadelphia. His work displays an array of mesmerizing effects utilizing vibration and duality which deliver an energetic rush into the viewer's mind's eye. His figures appear to be elemental forms woven out of a psychic tapestry consisting of intertwining serpentine lines and vivid color combinations.
Steve earned a B.F.A from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004. While living in New York City, he had the opportunity to refine his oil painting technique under the guidance of some of the most respected artists in Visionary Art, including Robert Venosa and Andrew Gonzalez. From 2007-2010, he worked with arts nonprofit the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) where he studied painting extensively under Alex Grey. Later on, Steve spent three years living and creating at the Tiberino Museum in Philadelphia. He has displayed his art at venues all across the United States. SteveShorts.com
Admission is FREE