Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac (OYC) Celebrates 20 Years of Sharing Aztec Culture in Philadelphia!
Based out of South Philly, the group considers itself to be “modern keepers of the culture investigating indigenous history and the retention of cultural heritage in the context of modern immigration.” OYC was the first Danza Azteca troupe in Philadelphia, and over the past 20 years, it has sponsored master dancers, musicians, and instrument/regalia makers, bringing them to Philadelphia for events and workshops as well as humanities talks.
OYC is also hosting an event at The Rotunda to celebrate its 20-year anniversary and Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) on Wednesday, Nov. 1 from 6-9 p.m. In addition to a dance performance, there will be a showing of the video documentary “¿Y Nosotr@s que? What about us?” that deals with how the pandemic hit Philadelphia’s thousands of undocumented immigrants -- mostly descendants from the Indigenous people of the American continent.
There will also be a the theatrical piece titled “Camine, camine, camine pero nunca llege… (Walk, walk, walk but never arrive…),” which explores the immigration experience of crossing the border as well as cultural identity and traditions.
+ tamales, flower paper-making, and more!
During the Nov. 1 event, the group will erect an altar to honor the ancestors and those who have passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic. The altar will be located in front of The Rotunda and will stay up until after the Poet-tree En Motion event completes on Nov. 8 (info on that event HERE). In effect, it will be a weeklong Day of the Dead celebration from Nov. 1-8 when anyone may stop by the altar at any time to pay homage to their ancestors. People may reflect on their loved ones, light a candle or leave a trinket or offering to the dead.
Admission is FREE. Tips for the artists are welcome and encouraged.
For information about Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac, log on to https://ollinyoliztlicalmecac.org/.
Aztec nonprofit organization Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac Hosts a Free 20-Year Anniversary Celebration and Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Event from 6-9 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 1 at The Rotunda. There will be live Aztec dancing; a showing of the documentary “¿Y Nosotr@s que? What about us?”; a theatrical performance titled “Camine, camine, camine pero nunca llege… (Walk, walk, walk but never arrive…)” ; and the erection of a Day of the Dead altar honoring those who have passed from the COVID-19 pandemic. The altar will stay up and be open to the public from Nov. 1-8. The Rotunda located at 4014 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. For information, log on to https://ollinyoliztlicalmecac.org/ or email brujodelamancha@gmail.com.