La ofrenda de la pandemia Covid-19
NOVEMBER 1-4, 2022
NOVEMBER 1-4, 2022
For the second year in a row, we are going to create a community ofrenda for the Day of the Dead, outside on The Rotunda's Front Plaza (the brick courtyard on the Walnut Street side of the building).
Absolutely everyone may contribute to this ofrenda from November 1st through November 4th, 2022. Come by any time day or night starting Tuesday, November 1 at 8pm to leave items for the ofrenda. The ofrenda will come down at 8pm Friday November 4.
There will be a paper flowers workshop, and also live Aztec dancing and drumming from Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac on Friday, November 4, 6pm-8pm.
We inviting everyone to participate, to add some kind of input. I'm the display/artist fixing the finished product/installation of the ofenda. I will make sets of baskets or plates where people can place items.
What is an ofrenda?
Ofrendas are a very visual, colorful, and emotional representation of a party or altar for people who pass away! People use many different items that represent the souls of their loved ones such as personal items like hats and glasses candles, flowers, figurines, and more. This ofrenda will be open to everyone who wants to offer something (it can be anything!) to those who died during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ofrendas are a very visual, colorful, and emotional representation of a party or altar for people who pass away! People use many different items that represent the souls of their loved ones such as personal items like hats and glasses candles, flowers, figurines, and more. This ofrenda will be open to everyone who wants to offer something (it can be anything!) to those who died during the Covid-19 pandemic.
To me, this project is not limited to those who died from the virus. I think it is important to consider the impact of this pandemic in general. People die alone with the virus or not.
No need to register. Just stop by the Front Plaza outside during the times above and leave your offering! Please don't try to bring anything into the building.
If you post photos of the ofrenda and/or the live Aztec dancing, please tag The Rotunda! @therotundaphilly on Facebook + @the_rotunda_philly on Instagram +@ollinyoliztlicalmecac