Philly Juneteenth Celebration Featuring: Dr. Leonard & Rosalind Jeffries
Bigga Dre Presents Philly 2nd Annual JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION
Featuring: Dr. Leonard and Rosalind Jeffries
Featuring: Dr. Leonard and Rosalind Jeffries
Enjoy a CULTURAL EXPERIENCE Family Fun, Guest Speakers, Fashion Show, & Youth Talent Showcase, Vendors, Food, Art, EDUTAINMENT and much more.
Over 60 years, first beginning as individuals and later in marriage, Dr. Rosalind and Leonard Jeffries have began their Great and Majestic Walk with Indigenous African Culture . Their Walk has spanned more than 25 African Countries and Hundreds of African Leaders and at the same time they were instrumental in fusing the African American Experience with their African Continental Experience !
Hosted By: Bigga Dre (Amun Sen Hotep Re)
Inquiries: trueandfaithful1@hotmail.com
Free-will offering at the door. Suggested donation: $19. No one turned away ( ALL AGE EVENT) .