Hezekiah Colors is a four-part Interactive, Instrumental , Art Exhibit by @scene_ism7art H-ARTIST x HEALTH and WELLNESS x CULTURE x Hip Hop Soul, MUSIC COLOR x EDUCATION Family experience that traces roots of spiritual uplifting through the creative process of a well rounded spectrum of art-making. Its a Exporiantul Event, a mosaic of ancient teachings. The mission of COLORS is to help uplift, educate and inspire others through using colors of the palette and vibrations of colors. This ambitious COLORS project, set to begin in Summer 2023 Delaware / Philadelphia, plans to tour nationally and internationally
#Hezekiah #Rawkusrecord #BeatSociety #Delawarehiphop
WEBSITE https://hezekiahcolors.com/
FOX INTERVIEW https://www.fox29.com/video/1143666