Event Horizon presents
Proteus-3, WeirdSmith, and PYXL8R
Proteus-3 is an improvisational electronic music trio consisting of multi-instrumentalists Juan Garces (The Melting Transistor, The Equinox Project, Black Thujone, Liquid Science Division), George Bley (Liquid Science Division), and Mike Hunter (Ombient, Black Thujone & host of the WPRB radio program Music With Space).
WeirdSmith, aka Dan Gray, is a retired Navy Aviation Electronics Technician who repaired audio technology, amongst many other systems, involved in the hunting of submarines, now seeks to provide journeys of aural crevasses he calls “Sonic Spelunking”. He looks for interesting sonic spaces and shares the exploration of them. Having never played the same thing twice, each journey is a new and hopefully enjoyed shared experience.
PYXL8R is the ongoing musical project of Cosmic Crossings co-founder and visualist Ken Palmer. Atmospheric, otherworldly, and always dense with unusual sonic textures, PYXL8R’s long-form synthesizer compositions are always performed completely live with no backing tracks. To achieve all of this on stage, Ken is joined by his talented spawn, Kyle and Sage. His wife Ruth provides the live visuals, so the whole clan has come to embrace the nickname “the Partridge Family of Electronic Music,” so c’mon, get happy!
Admission is FREE. Limited seating. Masking and contact tracing enforced.
And coming up next!
Saturday May 7 - Ritchie DeCarlo and TBD
Ritchie DeCarlo has been playing drums for 50 years and started playing live in the Philadelphia area in 1982 with various bands and singer songwriters. He has released many albums with artists such as Percy Jones, Markus Reuter, Michael Manring, Scott McGill, Michael Bernier, Tony Levin and many others! 2009 he found the world of modular synthesizers and his music hasn’t been the same since. Today he is combining drums, electronic percussion and synthesizers to present music that takes you on a journey like no other you’ve experienced.
The Event Horizon concert series features Electronic, Avant Garde, and Experimental music along with the work of live video projection artists. The concerts are always free and open to all.