Denise McCormack presents Metaphor and the Power of Story on Sunday, September 25 @ 6 PM at The Rotunda. General audiences. Running time: approx. 60 minutes. PWYW. Donations accepted. (Suggested $15 pp)
Storyteller Denise McCormack shares early versions of the “oldest” folktales and ascribed moral guideposts to uncover the often twisted and often subversive nature of the stories we live by and to expose what really lies behind the curtains, under the covers, and even in broad daylight. Who’s afraid of the big, bad, wolf
Proof of vaccination is required to attend this event, and masks must be worn for the duration of the performance. Audience members will be asked to show proof of vaccination before entering the venue. Both digital and physical proof of vaccination are accepted. Please plan accordingly
Denise McCormack values and promotes the art, craft, and practice of the oral tradition of storytelling and offers programs and insights for a variety of purposes.
According to McCormack whose mantra is “There is a story for every time and purpose under heaven,”
Stories, even and especially the simple folk and fable, shine a light on little things that have far reaching implications, including the power to draw us together in community.
Among McCormack’s favorites are tales of aged heroes and strong, wise women; creation tales, myths, and epics that speak of values and perseverance; and both prose and poetry that bring to life the magic of our glorious world. Of course, you’ll also find her singing ditties with kiddies and offering stories to grow on, too!
McCormack has been a featured teller at local, regional, and national venues, including the National Storytellers Network conferences (KS, CA),NJ Storytelling Festivals (Grounds for Sculpture and Howell Living History Farm), and Philadelphia stages (The Rotunda, Parkway Central Library main stage, etc.), NYC’s Artists Without Borders, Godfrey Daniels (Bethlehem, Pa),and many others.
Among her many roles, McCormack is president of the Patchwork Storytelling Guild, coordinator and creative director of the Lehigh Valley Family Storytelling Series, liaison for the National Storytelling Network, and an active member of various other local and national organizations wherein storytelling and the arts play an integral role.
For more information, go to: https://www.denisemccormack.live/
McCormack has been a featured teller and workshop presenter at local and regional fringes and festivals, including the National Storytellers Network conferences and Philadelphia stages, and educator conferences. She has also developed and facilitated local story slams and swaps.
Moreover, trying to keep up with her creative initiatives over the course of the pandemic has resulted in digital media and audio/video productions which expand and connect community and story.
More info and tickets: https://fringearts.com/event/metaphor/