BRIGHT BULB SCREENINGS, Free Double Features Every Second Thursday of the Month
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Classic Martial Arts Double Feature w/ Writer/Pew Fellow Alex Smith!
THE 36TH CHAMBER OF SHAOLIN (1978, directed by Lau Kar-leung, 115 minutes, Hong Kong)
KUNG-FU HUSTLE (2004, directed by Stephen Chow, 98 minutes, Hong Kong)
THE 36TH CHAMBER OF SHAOLIN (1978, directed by Lau Kar-leung, 115 minutes, Hong Kong)
KUNG-FU HUSTLE (2004, directed by Stephen Chow, 98 minutes, Hong Kong)
Hi, I'm Alex!! I'm an award winning writer of sci-fi and comics, an Afrofuturist collage artist, and experimental musician. My friend Dan asked me to curate for Bright Bulb! Last time, I combed the web for a group of short films that I thought represented the DIY spirit and promises of AfroFuturism. This time, I'm pulling films from a genre whose influence on my own writing and art can't be understated: kung fu! While many think of kung fu films as mindless action, even the most mid-level kung fu flick can be rich with narrative vision, creativity, technical wizardry (from sets, to choreography, to the practical effects!), social commentary and magical fantasy that broadens the imagination. Ever since i was a kid these films, from the iconic impact of 5 Deadly Venoms to the intricate choreography of The Buddhist Fist, to even the campy wuxia inspired Big Trouble in Little China, have rocked my world in seminal ways. So come watch a couple with us!
THE 36TH CHAMBER OF SHAOLIN is part revenge story/part political intrigue/and a lot of parts epic montage, a story whose main points lie in its subtlety and empowerment narratives. Gordon Lui stars in this 1978 classic
KUNG-FU HUSTLE is on the other end of the kung fu spectrum! It uses comedy and deft choreography to explore themes of redemption and destiny.
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Admission is FREE