Ars Nova Workshop, in partnership with the Archer Spade Performance Series, presents a double record release celebration featuring Haitian Rail and the Dan Blacksberg Trio!
Haitian Rail
Nick Millevoi, el. guitar
Dan Blacksberg, trombone
Edward Ricart, bass
Kevin Shea, drums
Avant-garde super-group Haitian Rail is proud to announce the release of Solarists, their second full-length album, on New Atlantis Reocrds. This record brashly charts the common spaces between creative noise rock and the jazz avant-garde, while shattering the restrictive barriers between them. Formerly dubbed Ricart/Millevoi Quartet, with a stellar debut LP via Gaffer Records, of which The Wire described as "An object lesson in how free improvised music should sound when played with authenticity and sincerity," this new lineup features guitarist Nick Millevoi (Many Arms, Deveykus), bassist Edward Ricart (Hyrrokkin, William Hooker Trio), trombonist Dan Blacksberg (Deveykus, Anthony Braxton), and drummer Kevin Shea (Mostly Other People Do the Killing, Talibam!). This revamped iteration of the group raises the high watermark set by their debut, offering a set of roiling new compositions, buoyed by virtuosic technique and unbounded kinetic energy.
Dan Blacksberg Trio
Dan Blacksberg, trombone
Matt Engle, bass
Mike Szekely, drums
In the Dan Blacksberg Trio, the innovative and genre-defying trombonist brings an expansive and creative new vision to the cutting-edge jazz traditions of pioneers like Ornette Coleman, Don Cherry, and Albert Ayler. The trio is celebrating the release of Perilous Architecture, their second album for Lithuanian-based NoBusiness Records. Blacksberg has penned a set of music that pushes at the technical and timbral limits of his instrument, opening up into far-reaching sounds worlds while maintaining a melodic rootsiness. Backed up by the powerful rhythm of Matt Engle (Shot X Shot) on bass, and Mike Szekely (Anthony Braxton Quartet) on drums, the Dan Blacksberg Trio creates a driving mixture of noise, chromatic lyricism, and everything in between.
Admission is FREE