Akshara Samskriti is a 14-year old prodigy-musician who is the daughter of well known Carnatic musician Kiranavali Vidyasankar and multi-discipline scholar Vidyasankar Sundaresan. She has been displaying keen interest and precocity in the performing arts since she was 14 months old. As a toddler, she would identify ragas besides creating & naming new ones. She also created many little musical pieces called jatiswarams from the age of 4 besides composing entire 45-minute musicals on the spot, even as she happily sang and danced to them. Akshara’s first full-fledged Carnatic music performance was at the age of 6, and she has since been on her way to a full-fledged professional musical career, winning wholehearted blessings and accolades from great personalities, musicians and music lovers. At age 4, Akshara was uniquely recognized as a Super Star Kid at the Carnatic Music Idol contest. The Trinity Fine Arts presented a Special award to her at age 6. At age 10, she became the youngest winner at the Pallavi Darbar contest conducted by Carnatica. Akshara’s videos on YouTube are steadily gaining in popularity, particularly her rendition of Totakashtakam on the invitation of Shri. Kuldeep Pai. Akshara shows great talent and flair for other music genres, Sanskrit chants, languages, mathematics, writing and visual arts.