Patchwork Storytelling Guild presents A Patchwork of Stories for Grown Ups on Sunday, September 11 @ 3 PM EST at the Rotunda. This live event is open to the public. Patchwork offers Pay-What-You-Can ticket options for greater accessibility for all. Running Time: 65 minutes.
Patchwork returns with a whole new bag of stories to celebrate the folkloric art, craft, and practice of the oral tradition of storytelling. Featured in this amazing lineup are, in alphabetical order, Michele Belluomini, Ingrid Bohn, Barbara Cohen-Kligerman, and Denise McCormack.
According to McCormack, president of Patchwork and host of the event,
“A Patchwork of Stories for Grown Ups means to offer a unique balance of folktales that complement one another for an hour of entertainment bliss. Each story has been carefully selected and crafted by the tellers, and we’re excited to share them. This is truly the stuff of fringe tradition, a grand experiment in offering the experience of meaningful performance art.”
This program is sure to delight story lovers everywhere. Spread the word!
Donations are appreciated and will be awarded to the tellers as an honorarium for their work.
Denise McCormack loves to spin yarns and is deeply committed to sharing the history, benefits, and practices of storytelling in a broad spectrum of applications for education and community to business, health, and well-being.
Among her many roles, McCormack is president of the Patchwork Storytelling Guild, coordinator and creative director of the Lehigh Valley Family Storytelling Series, and an active member of various other local and national organizations wherein storytelling and the arts play an integral role.
For more information, go to: https://www.denisemccormack.live/
Michele Belluomini has been telling stories to children and adults for the last 15 years; she has performed in schools, libraries, and museums, as well as at universities in the Philadelphia area.
Michele presented solo performances on the “Fringe” stage at the 2006 National Storytelling Conference in Pittsburgh and at the 2012 National Storytelling Conference in Cincinnati, as well as performed in a host of Patchwork events, Tellebration festivals, the New Jersey Storytelling festival, and the Lehigh Valley’s Story Fusion.
Barbara Cohen-Kligerman studied storytelling with Brooklyn-based author and scholar Yitzhak Buxbaum. She has told stories in several locations in New York and the Delaware Valley, including the internally televised Story Time at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Ingrid is an Interactive Theater and Storytelling artist who’s been active in theater productions for over 30 years. She shares traditional folk and fairy tales from all over the world and brings her multifaceted characters to life, with something for everyone. Ingrid appears throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She encourages role playing and audience participation and is a proud member of the Patchwork and Lehigh Valley Storytelling Guilds.
Patchwork promotes storytelling as a vibrant, contemporary art form, as well as a folk tradition, a way of celebrating life, and a tool for personal and social transformation.
Patchwork: A Storytelling Guild incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit organization in 1984 in response to the decline of storytelling in the oral tradition and provides opportunities for training, performance, and education, along with encouragement and an open forum for storytellers and audiences to connect.
To meet its mission, Patchwork hosts monthly story swaps where everyone is welcome and encouraged to tell, listen, or both, as well as coaching, and other events wherein the craft of story is explored and practiced.
More info and tickets: https://fringearts.com/event/a-patchwork-of-stories-for-grownups-2/